You may not feel energy because you're eating small meals but you cannot stop the digestive process. If you want to be at your full potential, within an hour and a half to two years, time of should be empty. When there is food in the stomach, the excretory system shuts down almost whole and not being clean means you're asking for problem.
If you know, human body from within you yourself. Look at this. Just see how your body feels when there's food in the stomach and how your body feels when the stomach is empty.
You will see your body and your brain will work at its best when your stomach is empty. If food is constantly being processed in your digestive system, a certain amount of energy naturally is gone there. So you're both your brain and body will not function at their best.
You may not feel that energy because you're eating small meals, but you cannot stop the digestive process. When digestive process happens where every other animal after they eat, they sit down. They just sit down because there is not enough energy for other things. Either carnivorous or herbivorous animals after they eat this sit down and that is a natural need within a human being. Also after the easy would like to sit down because there is not enough energy for other things. Now, you think by eating small meals through the day, you can be active throughout the day. You can be but not at your full potential. If you want to be at your full potential, you must keep your body and your metabolism of the body in such a way, whatever, whatever you eat, whatever you eat, within one and a half to two and a half hours, your stomach must be empty. This is what yoga always inches within an hour and a half to two years. How much should be empty stomach? Being empty does not mean hunger. Only when the energy levels run down, you feel hunger? Otherwise stomach must be empty. Only when the stomach is empty, stomach means Stomach. Back the food would have moved to other areas of the interest and in the interest and the process is very different. That's not digestion, that's assimilation there. It doesn't take much energy. It's a digestive process when the food is in the stomach back at that time, it's best. You keep your activity and low. Now, throughout the day, this food in the stomach,
Then you bring down your whole potential of life. One More aspect when there is food in the stomach. When the digestive process is happening, the excretory system shuts down almost. Eighty percent of it shuts down when I say exclude to system, which on the cellular level, the purification of the body is happening, that will shut down at least 80%, or in other words, all the impurities, which had to move out of the system will not mouth, which will create various problems. So you over a period of time and if you eat a different times, even your excretory system from the in distance will not happen efficiently for you. Because the waste matter doesn't come at a certain time into the colon, it will come at different times, so you will have problem with that. Also, so throughout the day your colon also won't be clean coal and not being clean. Means you're asking for problems, the: should be clean.
Always In Yoga is enormous importance to this. In any of the traditional systems, you will see if you go to an ayurvedic doctor or received the why they are anybody first thing he will Purge you. Because he knows that most of your problems are because of unclean: and we people are eating today, keeping the colon clean is going to be a big challenge for that. Suppose you eat one? Big meal like we normally do one big meal and either we don't need anything else or if we have two active, maybe we eat a fruit or something, you will see, your colon will always remain clean. And, People should try this. They must Purge themselves one day and see how it feels. Sir. Lee that is something light and beautiful about you every day. That's how you're supposed to feel.