Because I don't have any confidence about anything but I have Clarity. If you are just confident you will blunder through life, you must extinguish your confidence and bring clarity.
Sadhguru you are so Reverend, you are so cherished. Do you ever get a superiority complex right now? Yes,
See the question is not about superiority, complex inferiority, complex, poverty complex, or wealth complex.
That you have a complex is a serious problem, isn't it? Whatever kind it is. What does a complex means be?
You have assumed something about yourself, and you have concretized that assumption in such a way. You make a bloody fool of yourself, wherever you go. Do I look like that a lot? Do I look like, I'm making a bloody fool of myself with, you know. So no complex, of any kind.
But then our confidence fluctuates every day. So what do you have to say about that?
Because I don't have any confidence about anything I just have clarity. people think I know. That has look like some subtensional
It's empty. Always, but I have Clarity Clarity means how you see things. The way they are.
Does knowledge mean what's? you have fixed information about everything
13, you will not see the way it is, but as good as being blind.
See people think owls are blind? It's not true. Their vision is far more sensitive than yours, but because of sunlight, they're blinded because it's too much. when the light goes down. He sees very clearly not because he's blind but because his eyes are super sensitive. So you must bring Clarity to your life, not knowledge, because knowledge is conclusions that you gather Knowledge is okay when you're trying to do something physical material in the world but not with life. Is it true? What you thought was absolute? At the age of 12? Today is not true. So no. Are you sure that whatever you think is? This is it right now will be this, is it in another three years' time, you know that so you know you're wrong. you know, anyway, you're wrong. So why assert the wrong things? Well right now, we're wrong, at least, let's manage with little more consciousness. If you know you're wrong, you will walk carefully, isn't it? Hello. But you, you think you're correct. Then you will do stupid things and you blunder around the world. If you know you're not seeing properly, will you walk carefully or not? If I asked you to walk through a dark room, suppose we turn off all the lights, and close it, down everything pitch-dark. If I asked you to walk suddenly will you become super alert and conscious as to how you walk? But when the lights are on, You just going unconsciously bump into everybody. So, if you learn to walk, every moment, like there are no lights and you're looking at everything carefully, then what you see you go through it, what? You don't see. You hesitate in some places, and you take a little bit of chance, but if you are just confident you will blunder through life, we don't know where you will get in and what you will get trapped into Most people have trapped in their professions and their family situations. Their social situations in such a way they all became. Yes, already. I am saying Not just older people. Youths have become like this. What will happen to me? At the end of my life? What will happen to me? At the end of my life? I've already revealed the secret, you will die.
But sadhguru you, this happens what to do. If that happens what to do, all those things will happen, he's not that everything will happen in your life. The way you like it. Things will happen along the way. You don't like it. It once happened, shankaran pillai got fired from his job. Simply because he asked a question about smoking or non-smoking. How can you get fired for asking? Such a simple question. Smoking or non-smoking here? And he got fired because what he was supposed to ask was cremation or burial.
So many times what you do thinking, I'm right, maybe even relevant to the situation in which you exist. So the most important aspect of your life is your relevance, not right? You're just relevant to the existing situation. You're relevant. I am right, I'm right, I'm right.
This is the confidence you right? Nobody cares about all the idiots who think they are, right? Nobody wants to listen to them. Nobody wants to be around them, isn't it? People always think I'm right, I'm right. Do you want to be around them? No, the important thing is you're relevant to the situation in which you exist if you have to bring relevance into your life, you must extinguish your confidence and bring Clarity to develop Clarity. There are many systems
To develop your muscle. There are systems, isn't it? Similarly, to develop Clarity. There are many systems. Unfortunately, our education system is dulling Clarity in so many ways. Some of the research studies in the University show that if a child goes to kindergarten and goes through 20 years of education, I'm sorry I'm saying this an educational institution, 20 years of education and comes out. Let's say with the Ph.D. they are saying 70% of their intelligence is Irrevocably destroyed. So you have a knowledgeable idiot. What would you do with this? Well, you can impress people by throwing information but this whole game of impressing people by throwing this information and that information around is all going to go because that Google lady is better than any of these idiots.
You know, it's amazing. I am just traveling to wherever let's say, I'm flying to the United States or Africa somewhere. I just asked you know what is the morning temperature. In Entebbe, I'm landing there. Without batting an eyelid. In two seconds, she tells me it's 14 degrees, centigrade, and by afternoon, it's 18 degrees, Centigrade by evening, it's again, 12 degrees, Centigrade, Who could ever see this? Hello, she may not be perfect, right? But she's almost there. So, people who carry a basket of information on their heads and feel Superior, I want you to understand this in this country and everywhere else in the world. In not the previous but the previous generation. Somebody who could read a book. Was seen as guard-like because everybody else was illiterate. And people thrive simply because they can read the Gita or the Bible or something else, they thrived simply because they can read But once everybody can read, we are ignoring those people who completely listen. So, people who carry information and feel Superior, they will all be made into nothing in the next 15 to 20 years once artificial intelligence becomes all over the place, information will mean nothing because it'll be available everywhere, but then you Speak competent to do something Beyond information.