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What's Wrong With Having Multiple Affairs? Sadhguru explain

 The first thing that we'll talk about is becoming Monk, brahmachari or sanyasi. If you want normal function, these things are not necessary, and especially opening to multiple partners has its negativity in that context. 

What's Wrong With Having Multiple Affairs?

Sadhguru,  why can't one husband even have multiple women? And one woman or a wife, can give it multiple husbands in Todays Society.

 among consenting adults, see the body is the front end for every other creature on this planet The only reason this creature is dominating. This planet is not because we have the best body. You are not comparable to an elephant or a tiger or anything for that matter. You're not even as good as a buffalo, you are nowhere comparable. This is dominant because of his intelligence, this is dominant because of his Consciousness, but right now we are creating a world where you are Biology is the front end of your life.

 These things were done. At a certain time and the social situations were such. See this is a certain framework not just of bone and muscle and flesh. There is a certain energy framework only because of that. It takes a certain form see if you eat mangoes every day and let's say a cow which mangoes every day at some point, will you Or the cow, get confused, whether you are a cow or a human being or with the cow, get confused, such a thing, never happens because there is a clear-cut inner framework to which flesh and blood are added, but there is a framework and evolutionary memory framework, is there. It never gets broken, isn't it? So in this framework, how strong you keep this framework, and how much Integrity is there to this energy framework will determine many things about your life. Many Aspects of your life, 

especially if you want to raise this life to another level of function, it's very important. You maintained his Integrity. This is why irrespective of which religion or spiritual process people want to raise them till to a certain point, the first thing they will talk about is becoming monks or brahmacharya source and sanyasis. Because the idea is to create such a level of Integrity that this is a whole life by itself that it doesn't lean on anything else for support. Either for physical well-being, emotional, well-being, or psychological companionship, it doesn't lean on anything. 

I think it stands by itself because you want to take it somewhere else if you want normal function, these things are not necessary. Now you want to become a rocket that breaks through a certain dimension of space. Now you need to be in a different level of force and integrity. Otherwise, it will crack up so you don't want to open your body, or do anything and especially Really opening multiple partners has its negativity in that context, how much pain? And if you look at Draupadi's life, how much volatility, how much pain, how much suffering she went through in her life, and how much Spain and suffering, she caused because of her anger, jealousy, and whatever the hell else. So, these things happen for a variety of reasons, you can't blame everything on that one aspect, but that aspect also has a say, Say in these aspects because you're opening up your memory body, your energy energetic body, which is essentially ruled by memory to a variety of memories. This will cause a whole lot of turmoil within the system, which could affect that life and many other laughs. So, Draupadi's life is in a way, a sample of that.