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this question maybe coming from any number of legends and stories that if a snake appears in your dream,this will happen ,what kind of snake it is?
where is it moving?is because it will get very complex and yiu will devlop many complexes.the important thing is,you understand in the process of evolation a significant step in the physological process has been reptilian life.you still carry that within you.if you dont transcend that if you love somthing ,you'll get struck to it.if you hate somthing you"ll get struck to it ,isnt it?so both are not needed.if you see snake ,you see snake what about it?if you see trees in your dream,you dont think anything about it,isnt it? you wont go and ask anybody ,i'am seeing trees what do you think is happening?
if you see young women in your dream ,you wont say what is happening ,but because there is a certain fear about the snake because ,as i said,snake has received such bad praise because of that you are asking that question .and that question has been catered to in so many different ways,in different traditions so dont go to traditional interpretations.if you show   a snake and whats going to happen if you drop the fear ,you will see the snake as anything else .
right now, this cable here is looking very much like a snake.the classical example of how your fear and whole psychological amd physiological stuff happened within you is always described in within you is always described in yoga with this story of how if i say snake and throw a rope on you,you may have a heart attack,you will sweat,you palpitate,you scream and you jump,and everything is justba rope.
so the danger is not the snake .the danger and the problems are in your mind.so if you transcend certain things,you can handel this effortlessly.and above all , snake is a very perceptive creature .as i've said before,if anybody becomes very meditative naturelly ,snakes will come  reals ones,not dream because  they are able to see.they're able to conducive energy.well for those of you who have fear about the snakes insure fear if a certain fear sense of gratitude and awe about the snake has to evolve .for those of you  who are of western origin,well you must understand its because of the snake ,you know what is a woamn and what is a men .so dont you be afraid of the snake .its been good to you if you are indian origin,how can you be afraid of a snake?
because you cant have shiba or vishnu or devi without snake.without snake ,nobody comes .so it time to learn to be friendly with all life on the planet,their venomous content in their body has nothing to do with you.has nothing at all to do with you .its important that we look at life with little more reverence ,especially if you can come to terms with snakes you come to terms with every life